Development without Compromise
Recently, I’ve been musing about Nigeria; I do that a lot but this time was different (as always). I’ve observed that of recent, there has been a great appeal for local contents. Big hit Nigerian songs blare out from radios and at our parties, our movies are fast becoming best sellers both locally and internationally and despite ALL ODDS, things seem to be looking up; the air of the re-branding concept seems to be taking its toll on things generally. I was even at the Silverbird galleria a couple of months ago and I was appalled at the look of things. For me, places like silverbird, Lagos, Calabar are the faces of development of our times and are an evident re-assurance that things will work out.
Nevertheless, there are issues that I believe need to be addressed. Entering silverbird galleria spurred up mixed feelings in my heart. Firstly I was excited at hi-tech facilities available but on the other hand I was deeply pained particularly at the level of moral decay being displayed. It seems that clothes have all of a sudden become a scarce commodity and we have to resign to patching up little pieces to barely cover up our nakedness (you know what I mean). I keep wondering how things became this bad. Honestly, I applaud recent Nigerian music videos, but they’re contents, I do not applaud. It’s fast becoming an undeclared principle that advancement in technology (development) is directly proportionate to a decrease in moral standards. We even now have a (celebrated) strip club in Lagos and voices aren’t being raised against it!
What’s the way out? Well I’ll briefly share some lessons I learnt from the life of Daniel. I believe that these lessons describe a true pattern for development without compromise. Daniel is a guy in captivity in Babylon. He and three of his friends are enrolled in a special Babylonian school where they are taught the ways, morals and the lifestyle of the Babylonians. On graduation, Daniel and his three friends are found to be the best of all students in the school both amongst their fellow kinsmen and event the native Babylonians. Daniel is made to be part of the Kings special advisers and a world problem has arisen.
Lesson 1: Be Bold
Daniel was faced with an unsolvable problem but yet He did not falter/panic at attempting to provide a solution. There is always a way out! Every problem can be solved! It takes boldness born out of faith to believe this.
Lesson 2: Pray
Having assessed the problem, Daniel prayed to God. Essence: there are usually many ways out of a problem but there us the right way out. God always has the right way!
Lesson 3: Be a problem solver
Of lately I’ve imbibed a philosophy which is “see a problem, think a solution”. I believe that tomorrow naturally belongs to those who can solve today’s problems. This explains Daniels rise to prominence. His ability to be solution minded rather than complain like how every other person did. Nigeria need more people like this.
Lesson 4: Give all glory to God
Honouring and appreciating the source of your problem solving source creates more room/ capacity in you to solve more problems. Daniel openly glorified God for the solution and by proxy development.
Lesson 6: Impose core values
After Daniels promotion to Governor, he ensures that His three other friends are made provincial rulers over the townships. Why??? He’s simply ensuring that the core values they stand for remain in the fabric of the society. Hmm….imagine if u became Governor and you make someone as like minded as you become the minister of information or media… you know just what you see and not see on the TV screens. This is the most important; there is no true development without an establishment in core moral/Societal values.
I believe that if we solve problems and hence bring development, we are further given an opportunity to institute core values that will keep the society in check.